Wednesday, 27 November 2013

It's That Time of Year Again

Well, it's that time of year again.  Time for the fun and the parties and the get togethers... unless of course you are far from home and your friends and families.

For many, this time of year is difficult.  It's a reminder of how far away we have traveled and what we have left behind.  A slap in the face. What was I thinking?  How can I live so far from the ones I love, the ones who love me?  What to do now?

Well you congregate with people in similar circumstances that's what you do.  You create your own little family.  That's what we do on the Etsy Expat team.  We tell each other our stories and get to know one another.... we create our own expat family.  We laugh and cheer each other up and on.  We promote each other's shops and make anyone who wants to stop by and chat with us welcome.

Come by and say hello.  You will fit right in.  We have all found a place to belong in a world that is different and strange to us. You can too.

Find us here:

Everyone is welcome.

p.s. Bring your sense of humour... we like to have a laugh

posted by Linda of  JustOneLook


  1. I know I'm one of those family members that rarely gets in touch (!) but I do keep an eye on you all. I hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful holiday season.
    Best wishes,

  2. Lovely to see you both... enjoy your Holidays ladies :)

  3. Very true, I'll bring some humor, Julie.

  4. Nothing like finding other people who understand our experiences!

  5. I am keeping an eye on you all and miss popping in to chat but hopefully the haze will clear and I will get a chance to stop by for a chat and a cuppa :D It is wonderful to have you all

  6. Yep, you summed it up perfectly! :D
