Tuesday, 31 August 2010


To become a member of the ETSY EXPATS team:

1 - contact JustOneLook through the conversation link in her Etsy shop or click on Contact the Captain on the left hand side on the home page of the team.
2 - explain your reasons for wanting to become a member of the Etsy Expats and what kind of shop you run
3 - after you have contacted the Captain find the team’s weekly thread in the Esty forums and introduce yourself; tell us about your expat status (where you’re from, where you live now, where have you lived, if you are a future expat or just thinking about it); tell us about your shop as well.  We are a very supportive team.
4 - join at least one of our social websites (PinterestFB, Twitter), so you can receive updates by email - don’t worry, we won’t flood your mailbox!
5 - after you have been welcomed in our midst, you will be added to the team’s official Etsy list, which will be  updated by Etsy; the list on the blog will be updated periodically and you can write a few sentences about yourself to feature next to your entry should you wish.
6 - you are encouraged to participate in our weekly Etsy forum thread and on Flickr; you are also welcome to contribute to this blog (write something in Word, add the links in brackets if you include any, attach a couple of photos if need be, then send to etsyexpats@gmail.com and we will publish it for you and sign your name with a link to your shop
7 - make treasuries and post them on the FB page and in the weekly thread so others can click and comment; don't forget to tag them with "etsyexpatteam"
8 - tag a few of your items with "etsyexpatteam", so that team members can find you quickly
9 - if you have a blog, send us the link at etsyexpats@gmail.com and/or post it in the blog thread and we will link this blog to yours - hopefully you will do the same
10 - be jolly!

1 comment:

  1. This is great to read-the expats team is really friendly so it's neat reading your stories about your experiences and countries (Joystreet on etsy)
    look forward to reading more!
